#201 – (MASTERCLASS) Burnout: When You Feel Like You Have Nothing More to Give

HR Power Lunch

We talk a lot about stress. From our stress levels to the things we’re going to do to combat stress and bring it down to manageable levels. But what happens when high stress continues for a prolonged period of time?

The answer is burnout.

Burnout is when you move from feeling like it’s all too much, and cross over into feeling like you don’t have enough – not enough time, energy, motivation, or desire to get it all done.

The road to burnout can be slow, but it can quickly pick up speed if it’s not addressed. In this masterclass, Lindsay Recknell will share the practical (and efficient!) strategies to stop the slide into burnout while engaging participants in discussions, group activities and independent work to reinforce the simple ways to stop burnout in our lives.

Speaker: Lindsay Recknell, Workplace Mental Health Consultant, Certified Psychological Health & Safety Advisor and Expert in Hope, Mental Health in Minutes

Lindsay Recknell is a Workplace Mental Health consultant, a speaker, podcaster and an expert in hope. As a Certified Psychological Health & Safety Advisor, Lindsay works with companies and organizations to increase their levels of psychological health & safety in the workplace using Positive Psychology – evidence-based, practical tips and techniques to increase wellbeing within organizations by increasing wellbeing in individuals. She empowers individuals, strengthens teams and transforms organizations through her Mental Health in Minutes subscription, Burnout & Boundaries workshop series and Hope Motivates Action program. Lindsay lives in Calgary with her husband and their two Golden Retrievers.