#100 – Keynote: How We Got Our Groove Back

HR Power Lunch

​With the constant demands of a disrupted world of work, the role of an HR Professional has never been more critical. As leaders, you are tasked with raising employee wellness and engagement while also considering the bottom line and organizational performance and, at the same time, taking care of yourself and others while you navigate an unprecedented workplace issues.

In this keynote, Lindsay Recknell will share how the least selfish thing you can do is to take care of yourself first and how brain science, habits and boundary setting are excellent tactics to proactively be your best self as you tackle some of the biggest issues facing your organization today.


Speaker: Lindsay Recknell, President & CEO, Mental Health in Minutes

Lindsay Recknell is a Workplace Mental Health consultant, a speaker, podcaster and an expert in hope. As a Certified Psychological Health & Safety Advisor, Lindsay works with companies and organizations to increase their levels of psychological health & safety in the workplace using Positive Psychology – evidence-based, practical tips and techniques to increase wellbeing within organizations by increasing wellbeing in individuals. She empowers individuals, strengthens teams and transforms organizations through her Mental Health in Minutes subscription, Burnout & Boundaries workshop series and Hope Motivates Action program. Lindsay lives in Calgary with her husband and their two Golden Retrievers.