Toronto: Psychological Safety in the Workplace and Experiential Learning with Chocolate

Date and Time

Starts:09/22/2022 4:30 PM

Ends:09/22/2022 8:30 PM

Registration Closes:09/21/2022 10:00 AM

Event Type: Professional Development

2.25 CPD Hour(s)

Fairmont Royal York 100 Front Street West Toronto, ON


Members: Free or Optional | Non-Members $120+HST

Join HRPA Now


Additional Information

A “no show/late cancellation” fee will be charged if cancellation is not provided to at least 3 business days in advance.

Registrations will not be accepted at the door.

Any required Proof of Vaccination and/or PPE safety protocols for this in-person event will be shared closer to the event date.

Event Sponsor

Prepare for the unpredictable future. Tips on how to have a responsive workforce and the process that supports workforce planning needs that can be adaptable.

The experiential learning challenge will learn about team work, effective communication, negotiation, creative problem solving, applied leadership, etc.


  • Assess organization’s capacity and engagement
  • Recognize potential pitfalls in strategic workforce planning
  • Take a proactive approach to build talent
  • Establish or enhance an existing framework


4:15 PM Registration (York Room)

4:30 PM Light Refreshments (York Room)

5:15 PM Chocolate Experience (Libarary Room)

6:45 PM Dr Weiss (Library Room)

Registration Difficulties or Questions? Please reach out to our Chapter Experience Coordinator, Tammy Williams

Speaker bio(s)
David Weiss, CHRP, CHRL, CHRE, FHRPA, President and CEO

Dr. David Weiss, CHRE, ICD.D is President & CEO of Weiss International Ltd., a firm specializing in innovation, leadership, and HR consulting. David has provided consulting on 1000s of projects, delivered over 200 conference presentations, wrote over 50 journal articles, and authored 7 books including Innovative Intelligence and Leadership-Driven HR. David’s doctorate is from the University of Toronto, he has three master’s degrees, and previously, he was Affiliate Professor of Rotman. David is the fourth Canadian to receive the lifetime designation of “Fellow HRPA.” Download David’s articles at and join over 10,000 followers on Twitter at @DrDavidWeiss.