We are pleased to welcome back the lawyers of Filion Wakely Thorup Angeletti LLP to provide updates on current case law, statutory changes, and recent developments impacting the workplace. Presenting as a panel they will touch on many topics to help mitigate risk in the workplace.
While the specific topic details will be finalized closer to the event date, topics may include: Case Law updates, Updates and tips on constructive/wrongful dismissals and employment agreements, privacy laws, and termination updates. Join us to stay informed!
Learning Objectives:
1. Insights into the current legal landscape in Ontario
2. Managing employer / employee relationship
3. Understanding of current legal issues and issues from the last year with Case Law update
8:15am Welcome, Networking and Breakfast
8:40am Chapter Announcements
8:45am Speaker Presentations
10:00am Coffee/tea break
10:20am Speaker Presentation
11:40am Final Words
11:45am Event Concludes
Registration: This event has reached capacity. Please register online to be WAITLISTED and keep the date/time available on your calendar so that we can promptly confirm you into the event if a spot opens.
Registration Difficulties or Questions: Please reach out to our Chapter Experience Coordinator Bobbi-Lyn Smith at BLSmith@hrpa.ca