Northeast (Ottawa) HYBRID Driving Engagement: Fundamentals Over Flashy

Date and Time

Starts:03/26/2025 5:30 PM

Ends:03/26/2025 8:00 PM

Registration Closes:03/17/2025 8:00 AM

Event Type: Professional Development

1.5 Hour(s)

Bayview Yards 7 Bayview Station Road Ottawa,


HRPA Members: FREE (included in membership dues)

$115 + tax

$35 + tax

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Instead of expensive, beautifully crafted programs that go unused, this keynote explores practical core leadership practices HR professionals can foster to increase employee engagement. 

The audience will be shown how to help their leaders drive engagement through essential practices such as creating an environment of feedback and meaningful recognition, maximizing autonomy and promoting authentic leadership – critical fundamentals that may not be flashy, but are undeniably effective.


  • Identifying practical and results-focused engagement solutions over polished and perfectly crafted programs.
  • Hearing repeatable examples and stories of how HR can drive engagement through improved leadership practices. 
  • Learning how to improve partnership with leaders, including coaching conversations vs. ‘tell and do’.



5:30 PM Registration and Dinner (In-Person Only)

6:30 PM Presentation (In-person and Virtual)

Virtual attendees can log in 15 minutes early and will remain in the lobby until the presentation begins.

8:00 PM Concludes

8:00 PM Concludes

Registration Difficulties or Questions: Please reach out to Tammy Williams, Specialist, Member Engagement

Speaker bio(s)
Jeffrey Lucier, Owner

Entrepreneur, corporate executive, certified coach and Founder and Principal of Catylyst Leadership Development, Jeff Lucier has walked in many shoes throughout his career. From working in corporate Canada to his Master’s degree in Management Studies, he has maintained that exceptional leadership is a critical business advantage for all companies. Passionate about developing and growing leaders, Jeff works across the industries, equipping leaders and teams with the skills and confidence needed to perform effectively and confidently.