A bystander is a witness—someone who sees a harmful situation and has a choice to make: Do I do something? If so, what do I do?
Training Active Bystanders (TAB) helps participants recognize when they are bystanders, analyzes the situation in which they find themselves, and evaluate the consequences for everyone involved. The TAB curriculum heightens bystanders’ power. It teaches how bystanders can interrupt harm doing and generate positive actions by others. We emphasize that active bystandership does not mean aggression against the harm doer. It means taking responsible action to help people in need, instead of remaining passive and becoming complicit. TAB gives bystanders the competencies they need when they witness something they feel is unfair, or wrong, or troubling. When people have the tools to create justice in the moment of need, it can transform those who take the training, the trainers, their workplace, and the community.
Learning Objectives:
At this session learner will be able to:
1. Understand the consequences of uninterrupted harm for the target, the harm doer, bystanders in your workplace and community.
2. Understand five inhibitors of active bystandership and four promoters of active bystandership.
3. Understand the evolution of helpful and harmful actions in the workplace and how to have moral courage to respond when harm is happening.
8:30 AM Welcome and Housekeeping
8:35 AM Speaker Presentation
10:30 AM Event Concludes
Registration Closes: SOLD OUT! Please email BLSmith@hrpa.ca to have your name added to the waitlist.
Registration Difficulties or Questions: Please reach out to our Chapter Experience Coordinator Bobbi-Lyn Smith at BLSmith@hrpa.ca