5:30 PM Registration and Dinner (In-person only)
6:30 PM Presentation (Virtual and In-person)
8:00 PM Concludes
In our fast-paced and rapidly changing era, it's more essential than ever to approach life and work with adaptability. The changes in our world are coming at us in rapid-fire succession, and Human Resources professionals need to be ahead of the curve when it comes to helping their organizations adapt to change and thrive within the new realities. In this session, we'll take a look at adaptability from three horizons: first, we'll take a global view and scan the global megatrends that are driving change. From there, we'll narrow our focus to explore how the turbulence is affecting the workplace, and the pressure to flex and reinvent to stay relevant. Finally, we'll look at core characteristics and mindsets that individual leaders will need to lead wisely and well into the future.
- To enable Human Resources leaders to analyze critically the trends that are affecting the workplace, in order to provide strategic counsel and leadership as their organizations navigate turbulent and unpredictable times.
- To challenge Human Resources leaders to embrace strategic skills, characteristics and mindsets that leaders need to adopt in order to survive and thrive in this adaptive time.
- To challenge Human Resources leaders to explore their own roles, job aspirations, strengths, weaknesses, and hard and soft skills, in order to discern what they will need to learn or adapt in order to lead well into the future.
Registration Difficulties or Questions: Please reach out to Tammy Williams, Specialist, Member Engagement