Addressing problems and navigating difficult conversations are vital to creating an organization where people can thrive. Yet, despite all the benefits, teams, leaders, and organizations struggle to address problems and navigate conflict effectively.
By avoiding difficult discussions or using approaches that create persistent and escalating problems, we negatively
impact motivation, engagement, and teamwork and create an environment where neither people nor performance can thrive.
This workshop will focus on the following topics:
Understanding why some conversations are more difficult than others and what are the consequences of avoiding difficult conversations.
Three types of difficult conversations and tools to navigate them - giving and receiving feedback, disagreements, establishing boundaries.
Stress as one of the strongest conflict triggers. How to recognize and respond to stress-induced protective behaviours.
Learning Objectives
The first learning objective of this workshop is to develop a deeper understanding of human behaviour in emotionally charged situations. This knowledge will help HR professionals to build stronger relationships with employees based on trust and respect and also share this knowledge with leaders within their companies to maximize the effect.
The second learning objective is the opportunity to develop further attendees' emotional intelligence. The workshop will include a series of examples and study cases, demonstrating the types of difficult conversations. Attendees will be invited to participate in the discussions on how to best approach those situations.
The third learning objective is an introduction to the topic of stress-induced protective behaviours. These behaviours exhibited by employees can turn any conversation into a difficult one, and being left ignored can strongly affect the company's morale, motivation, performance and overall results.
5:00 PM - 5:30 PM Registration and Networking
5:30 PM - 6:15 PM Buffett is served
6:15 PM - 6: 30 PM Annual Business Meeting and Recognition
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM Guest Speaker
8:00 PM Event Concludes
A “no show/late cancellation” fee will be charged if cancellation is not provided to at least 3 business days in advance.
Registrations will NOT be accepted at the door.
Registration Difficulties or Questions: Please reach out to our Chapter Experience Coordinator Rebecca Lauzon at