As HR Professionals you owe it to yourself, your organization, and job applicants to make good hiring decisions. Traditionally the recruitment process is labour intensive, costly, and may lead to regrettable hiring decisions. Save time and money by adopting a modern proactive approachby reverse engineering the networking game! Candidates have long used networking to discover job opportunities. As the employer you can make networking work for you! Suppose you have a candidate profile but no name? As employers it is time to empower yourself by learning to reverse engineer online networking platforms. Learn 21st century recruiting techniques to find candidates that meet the skills, qualifications, and personal characteristics you’re seeking.
Learning Objectives:
● Create Search Criteria To Find Your Ideal Candidate
● Social Media and Internet Search Tools and Techniques
● Reverse Engineering The Networking Game
● Assessing Your Findings
● Make Evidence Based Hiring Decisions
6:00 PM Welcome & Introductions
6:05 PM Annual Business Meeting
6:25 PM Speaker Presentation
7:45 PM Q & A
8:00 PM Adjournment
During registration, please consider the donation option. Donated funds collected through this event registration will be equally divided between Indspire and Black Youth Helpline, preferred charities identified by HRPA members in a recent survey.