Anne will review how and why performance management has changed in the last 4 years. We will discuss if AI will impact how and when performance is measured. As leaders we will share information on how to engage with employees to ensure continued high productivity, learning and engagement. Performance expectations have morphed in the last 4 years - what has really changed? What differences exist between managers and employees when it relates to performance expectations? What lessons do we as human resources leaders need to learn and how do we share our knowledge learned with our teams, colleagues and clients. Managing performance in a hybrid or remote setting - we will share information in the room to learn from each other. This will be a highly interactive and learning session. Come prepared to share knowledge, learn from your peers and answer some of the difficult questions that exist today not only from leaders but more importantly from employees who want to continue learning but don't know how, what or when. We will have some fun with this topic and learn from each other.
Learning Objectives:
- New performance methodologies to engage employees
- Why and How is managing performance important to retaining employees
- Determining poor performance in a remote or hybrid setting
Registrations will NOT be accepted at the door.
Registration Difficulties or Questions: Please reach out to our Chapter Experience Coordinator Tracey Gallacher