Central East (Ajax): HYBRID - Employment Law Update with Hicks Morley

Date and Time

Starts:04/23/2025 8:00 AM

Ends:04/23/2025 12:00 PM

Registration Closes:04/17/2025 8:00 AM

Event Type: Professional Development

3 CPD Hour(s)

Ajax Convention Centre 550 Beck Crescent Ajax , Ontario


HRPA Members: Free

Non-Members: IN-PERSON: $85 + tax

Non-Members: VIRTUAL: $35 + tax

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Additional Information

THIS EVENT WILL NOT BE RECORDED. REMINDER! Our cancellation policy has changed. Click here for more information.

Event Sponsor

Stay Ahead with the Latest Employment Law Updates

Join us for an informative and engaging session on the latest developments in Employment Law. This is an essential event for HR professionals, business leaders, and legal practitioners looking to navigate the ever-evolving legal landscape with confidence.


8:00AM Registration and Continental Breakfast

8:45 – 9:30AM Labour & Employment Law Case Update: A session designed to provide attendees with an understanding of the key recent decisions in the labour and employment law sphere.

9:30 – 10:15AM Recruitment Legal Issues - A Whirlwind Tour: A fast-paced review of the most pressing legal issues in recruitment. From job postings, to inducement, to pre-employment testing, to dealing with falsified credentials, withdrawing offers and everything in between, we’ll cover the latest changes to enable HR professionals to stay ahead of this complex and ever-evolving legal landscape.

10:15-10:30AM Refreshment & Networking Break

10:30-10:50AM Pensions Update: This session will review employees’ rights and entitlements under the Employment Standards Act, 2000 and your obligations as an employer. We will also dive into some of the administrative, budgetary and tax implications of disability top-up payments and discuss how leaves of absence affect pension accrual, including through disability waivers of contributions.

10:50-11:30AM Off Duty Conduct & Inflammatory Social Media Behaviour – What is our business and what is not? What can we do about it? And how do we navigate inflammatory social media behaviour

11:30– 12:00AM Competing Human Rights: Understanding How to Balance the Human Rights Protections of Your Employees

12:00PM Event ends

NEW! Chapter Connectors Program - To foster connection, support, and engagement within the HRPA community, we wish to pair in-person event attendees with experienced member "Connectors".

NEW! Ad-hoc Volunteer Opportunities - Interested in helping as a greeter, registration desk helper, speaker support and/or runner at an upcoming in-person Chapter event. 

For both of the above opportunities, you should check of the box during registration but you will also need to login to Volunteer with HRPA and sign up there. Thank you for volunteering to help! 


Registration Closes: April 17, 2025 at 8:00AM…or sooner if it sells out! 

Registration Difficulties or Questions: Please reach out to Rebecca Lauzon our Specialist, Member Engagement at rlauzon@hrpa.ca

Speaker bio(s)
Mark Mason

Mark Mason is a labour and employment lawyer at the Hicks Morley’s Toronto office. His practice includes arbitration advocacy, employment litigation, human rights proceedings and the entire spectrum of collective bargaining, including interest arbitrations and strike management. Mark advises a variety of public and private sector employers and brings a practical and solution-focused approach to the legal services he provides. Mark is recognized as one of Ontario’s leading counsel in the emergency services sector through his work with municipalities in managing their relationships with both firefighters and paramedics. He works extensively in this area and keeps his clients current on existing and emerging sector trends. Mark also chairs the firm’s Municipal industry practice group. A portion of Mark’s practice also involves day-to-day human resources and workplace consulting. He works closely with various employer groups, speaks extensively at conferences and seminars and conducts client training workshops, all on a wide variety of issues facing management in both labour and employment law. He provides employers with the knowledge and tools they need to anticipate and manage their workplace issues.