Quinte and District Networking: Expanding Your Circle of Influence

Date and Time

Starts:09/28/2021 5:55 PM

Ends:09/28/2021 6:55 PM

Registration Closes:09/27/2021 8:00 AM

Event Type: Webinar





Additional Information

Event Sponsor

Did you know that everyone has Circles of Influence that help them negotiate and influence strategy and be more effective as leaders?
Would you like to learn what a Circle of Influence is, and how to expand yours?
Then this might be the right session for you!

Networking mavens Elizabeth Nicholas and Chantal Fraser are back with another interactive online networking event!
Join the Quinte & District HRPA Chapter for a friendly yet feisty event using small groups (6 people) split into teams. Get to know 5 of your peers as you share best practices, stories and experiences.
Networking’s not really your thing? Think of this as an opportunity to get to know a few people in a small group, while flexing your trouble shooting muscles (brain).

A handout capturing the ideas you share about expanding Circles of Influence, will be created and forwarded to you about a week after the event. Elizabeth and Chantal will also include a few strategies and tips of their own in the handout.
Looking forward to networking and connecting with you this Fall!


5:55 PM – Zoom room opens to allow participants to enter, facilitator encourages people to introduce themselves in the Chat and to start networking.
6:00 PM – Session starts with HRPA introductory remarks
6:05 PM – Introduction to Circles of Influence
6:10 PM – A series of 4 break out sessions, the first is so the groups can do introductions and get to know each other, come up with a group name, the other 3 each include a scenario, breakout room for brainstorming, and feedback to the entire group.
6:55 PM – Closing remarks

Registration Closes  September 27, 2021 8:00 AM

Registration Difficulties or Questions.  Please reach out to our Chapter Experience Coordinator, Rebecca Lauzon  rlauzon@hrpa.ca

Learning Objectives

1. Experience team building and networking in a virtual environment.
2. Learn and share best practices for expanding a professional circle of influence.
3. Participants will experience how to succinctly share their ideas during lightning rounds of speed networking and the rapid-fire reporting between rounds.
4. Participants will be introduced to people that they’ll wish to connect with offline, through LinkedIn and other social media platforms and/or through HRPA Mentoring.

Speaker bio(s)
Suzanne Chantal Fraser, President

Chantal Fraser founded Empowered Path Inc. in August 2012, to help people learn how to help themselves, their communities and organizations thrive. Chantal offers tangible and practical solutions that you can apply immediately, using a conversational approach and Canadian examples. Chantal covers a number of topics, including Leadership, Mentorship, Career Development and Inclusion. For example, Chantal delivers Recruiting and Retention Indigenous Inclusion sessions, for Indigenous Link clients and Mentorship sessions for MentorCity clients, in both official languages. Chantal Fraser holds an MBA from the Royal Military College of Canada and is a recipient of the HRPA Honourary Life Award. Chantal is active in her community as the Human Resources Professional Association (HRPA) as a Mentor and as the Eastern Ontario Conference Committee Chair. Chantal is also the Business and Professional Women’s (BPW) Trenton & District Club Past-President, the Gleaners Foodbank (Quinte) Inc. Treasurer, and is an editor for Aboriginal Veterans Autochtones.

Elizabeth Nicholas, CHRP, CHRL, Employment & Education Coordinator/HR Support

Elizabeth Nicholas, CHRP/CHRL, is the Employment and Education Coordinator, Human Resources Support for the Trenton Military Family Resource Centre. She combines her natural passion for empowering others with more than 17 years of professional employment and educational counselling, a background in marketing and is a certified human resource leader to help members of the military community to successfully aspire and attain their transitional goals. Credited with building two Portfolio courses uniquely designed for the military spouses and military members who are medically releasing, Liz loves to share the process and celebrate the successes along the way!