We are excited to invite you to the annual HRPA Toronto Annual Business Meeting. Don't miss out on this chance to connect with fellow members and volunteers. See you there!
It Pays to PLAY - How Play Improves Business Culture
High level presentation covers how PLAY…
- literally stopped a war
- helps add years to our lives and live beyond 100.
- integrated at work helps to
- foster friendships and community
- improve retention
- improve energy and engagement
- improve creativity and innovation
- improve a company’s bottom line
5:30 PM Welcome and Registration
5:45 PM Dinner
6:15 PM Annual Business Meeting
- Call to Order
- Approval of 2022 Minutes
- Chapter Activities Report
- Recognition | Volunteers and New Designates
- Vision 2027
- Adjournment
7:00 PM Keynote Speaker
8:00 PM Networking
8:30 PM Concludes
Registration Difficulties or Questions? Please reach out to our Chapter Experience Coordinator, Tammy Williams