Thousand Islands: IN PERSON Terminations Related to Workplace Violence & Harassment

Date and Time

Starts:10/18/2023 5:30 PM

Ends:10/18/2023 8:30 PM

Registration Closes:10/19/2023 8:30 AM

Event Type: Professional Development

2 Hour(s)

St. Lawrence College 100 Portsmouth Ave. Kingston, ON


HRPA Members: Free or Optional $5 Donation |Non-Members: $50

Join HRPA Now


Additional Information

Event Sponsor

Many employers find themselves overwhelmed when workplace bullying, and harassment complaints arise. Employers have an obligation to address these complaints, and at times, may be required to terminate an employee because of a complaint. This session will provide attendees with an understanding of an employer’s obligations, the law, and how best to handle terminations related to such complaints. The session will cover:

Workplace Violence and Harassment
• Legal concepts/ definitions review
• Workplace policy considerations
• Employer obligations

When can workplace violence or harassment support a “with cause” termination?
• The meaning of “for cause” vs “without cause” terminations
• The differing threshold test for “For Cause” terminations under the statute versus the Common Law
• Recent case law supporting / not supporting for cause terminations
• Key Takeaways

Disciplinary Considerations and Practical Tips
• Disciplinary options up to and including termination
• Termination Strategies
• Risks & Pitfalls to Avoid

o Failure to Investigate
o Workplace Policies & Employment Agreement provisions
o Termination Checklist- employer minimum legal obligations

Learning Objectives

When to proceed with a “for cause” vs “without cause” termination
Legal test and key takeaways based on recent caselaw
Termination strategies and common pitfalls to avoid

5:30 PM   Registration and Networking
6:00 PM   Dinner (includes 1 (one) beverage of choice)
6:30 PM   Speaker Presentation

8:30 PM   Event Concludes

A “no show/late cancellation” fee will be charged if cancellation is not provided to at least 3 business days in advance.

Registrations will NOT be accepted at the door.

Registration Difficulties or Questions: Please reach out to our Chapter Experience Coordinator Rebecca Lauzon at

Learning & Giving Back!  As suggested by HRPA members and as part of our commitment to corporate social responsibility, HRPA has identified Indspire and Black Youth Helpline as recommended charities. Should you wish to support please select the $5 donation option upon checkout. Thank you!


Speaker bio(s)
Zaheer Lakhani, Lawyer

Zaheer Lakhani is a partner at the boutique law firm Lakhani Campea LLP, which specializes in employment law, workplace investigations and litigation services. Called to the Bar in 1998, Zaheer advises and represents various sized employers as well as individuals  in a variety of areas such as human rights, including disability and accommodation; wrongful dismissal claims; employment standards compliance and litigation, and general strategic HR advice.

Zaheer is frequently sought out to provide third party investigation services for various employers including municipal clients, school boards, and Canadian Universities. In the spring of 2020, his investigation involving the conduct of an elected school board trustee was referenced in various news media including the Ottawa Citizen, CBC, Toronto Star and the Globe and Mail.

Zaheer has also appeared as a guest on CBC Radio and Radio Canada to discuss discrimination and toxic workplaces and he was quoted by the Canadian Safety Reporter in an article related to workplace harassment. Zaheer has delivered presentations on a variety of topics on behalf of various chapters of the Human Resource Professional’s Association (HRPA), the HRPA’s annual conference, as well as the Ontario Municipal Human Resources Association (OMHRA) Spring and Fall Conference. Most recently, he delivered a presentation discussing the Impact of Racial Bias and Racism in the Workplace.