North Bay and Sudbury: ABM and Recognition Topic: The Simple S.A.L.A.D. Formula on How to Manage Multiple Stresses and Keep Your Sanity in the Process

Date and Time

Starts:05/09/2024 2:00 PM

Ends:05/09/2024 4:00 PM

Registration Closes:05/09/2024 1:30 PM

Event Type: Annual Business Meeting

1.5 Hour(s)



Members Free | Non Members $35 + Tax

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Event Sponsor

In an 18-month period in 2008/09.... Barry learned his A,B,C's:
Accident, Bankruptcy, CANCER, Divorce, Employee theft...
And then...he was blessed to turn it all around!

The stage-4 cancer was gone. He healed from the accident. The employee paid back the money he stole. He bounced back financially. And most important - the divorce - NEVER HAPPENED!
They've now been married 43 years!

We will learn how to handle, manage, and cope with any tough stuff and stress that may come our way. We'll also learn how to share this information with our teams to let them know they are heard and cared for.

We will learn how to use the "MOMENT" strategy to juggle multiple priorities and get the job done. By sharing these ideas our teams will develop their Leadership skills and be more productive and balanced. They will know that their efforts are appreciated and valued.

We will learn how to bounce back from any setback - many of us have areas of our life that need a "Do-over".
We'll learn how to use the setbacks as a solid foundation to rebuild - be it a personal situation or a project at work.
We want our staff to feel SAFE in their work environments. Our teams will know that - even if a mistake is made - they have a solid team to rely on and a safe manager to turn to.



2:00 PM Welcome and Introductions

2:05 PM  Annual Business Meeting & Recognition

2:20 PM  Speaker Presentation

4:00 PM  Event Concludes

A “no show/late cancellation” fee will be charged if cancellation is not provided to at least 3 business days in advance.

Registration Difficulties or Questions: Please reach out to our Chapter Experience Coordinator Rebecca Lauzon at  


Speaker bio(s)
Barry Spilchuk

.Barry has been dubbed - Canada's Dale Carnegie. Wellness Departments, Government Agencies and C-Suite Executives hire Barry to help them Manage Multiple Priorities, boost morale and enhance productivity all the while honouring their stress and overwhelm. He does it with truth, possibility thinking and a little humour - He's a bit goofy sometimes. He is the first Canadian to coauthor one of the Chicken Soup for the Soul books. He has written 16 books and sold over 600,000 units around the world. Born in Hamilton, currently residing in Toronto - but when asked where his home town is - Barry responds, North Bay! His Mom and brother still live there and Barry visits often - because it's HOME! (And to see his Mommy) A two-time cancer survivor, Barry credits his faith, his family and friends, and some awesome doctors and nurses for helping him bounce back from a stage-4 diagnosis. He has shared the stage with Dr. Phil, A Prime Minister of Canada and Princess Zara Aga Khan.