We apologize. Something happen. The MeetingID we need for this page is missing from the URL. Please go back and try again.

Date and Time

Starts:11/12/2024 8:00 AM

Ends:11/26/2024 8:00 AM

Registration Closes:11/29/2024 11:30 PM




Additional Information

Event Sponsor

Important Information:

Confirmation of Eligibility: In order to write the CHRP-KE or the CHRL-KE Exams for the CHRP designation or the CHRL designation, registrants must have met the eligibility requirements. To qualify to write the CHRP-KE or CHRL-KE exams, individuals must have met the coursework requirement. Pursuant to Section 15 of the Registered Human Resources Professionals Act, 2013, an individual is not a registrant of the Association unless the register indicates that he or she is a registrant. If you are not a registrant in good-standing, appearing on HRPA’s public register, you are not permitted to register for this exam.  

You cannot register until HRPA has granted you the eligiblity to do so. If you do not see the register online button please contact HRPA at exams@hrpa.ca.

To register for the exam, click on the Register Online button.

Exam Testing Window

November 12-26, 2024

The CHRP-KE exam is only valid for the CHRP designation. If you wish to earn the CHRL designation you are required to register and write the CHRL-KE exam.

Note: The CHRL-KE Exam is valid for both the CHRP and the CHRL designations.

As HRPA has moved to a dual modality delivery for exams which means you have choice of testing remotely or in a test centre so upon completion of your exam registration and payment with HRPA, you are required to schedule your exam seat time and/or location directly with the exam vendor. www.prometric.com/hrpa.

Withdrawal Policies: HRPA has very specific withdrawal policy in relation to the exam.

Rules of Professional Conduct & HRPA Code of Ethics: All members of HRPA commit to abide by the Rules of Professional Conduct.

Privacy Policy: HRPA is committed to protecting the privacy of your personal information. For further information please view HRPA's Privacy Policy on the HRPA website.

Disqualification: HRPA reserves the right to disqualify any member from writing or to withhold exam results if a member no longer meets the registration requirements.

Accommodation Requests: Please refer to Accommodations Policy & Request Document on the HRPA website www.hrpa.ca

Terms and Conditions:

  • I understand and agree that any alleged violation of this agreement or any alleged activity that may compromise the validity, integrity, or security of any portion of a HRPA certification exam will be investigated by HRPA. I also understand that if HRPA has a reasonable basis to question the validity of any exam score, HRPA reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to withhold and/or cancel/and/or invalidate exam scores.
  • I warrant that all information I have provided on my application form and all supporting documentation is complete and accurate and I further understand that this information is subject to verification by HRPA at any time.
  •  I agree to abide by all examination security procedures and regulations.
  •  This examination is confidential, and the test questions contained therein are the exclusive property of the Human Resources Professionals Association (HRPA). It is made available to you, the examinee, solely for the purpose of assessing your knowledge. This examination and the items contained therein are protected by copyright law. No part of this examination may be copied, recorded, disclosed, published, transmitted or reproduced in part or in whole, by any means whatsoever, including memorization, unless previously authorized by HRPA.
  •  I agree to keep the content of the exams confidential by not divulging any details of its contents to anyone through any method including but not limited to (email, blogs, chat groups) i.e. Facebook. I understand that releasing any said information would be considered a breach of the Rules of Professional Conduct and could result in disciplinary action.
  •  I have read and understand that HRPA will work with members who require support in writing their exams due to a disability and this includes pregnancy related accommodations. Registrants must notify HRPA staff of their needs at the time of registration and the request must be sent to HRPA no later than 20 days before the first day of the testing window. Should you require accommodations in order to write the exam, please indicate this in the consent section of this online form. HRPA will then be in contact with you to discuss options and available support. If you fail to notify HRPA of your needs at the time of registration and adhere to the published timelines, we can't guarantee that we will be able to accommodate your needs at the time of examination. HRPA, Regulatory Affairs staff require time to work with the examination vendor to implement the required accommodations.
  •  I am aware that failure to show up for the exam, barring documented illness or other personal emergency, will result in forfeiture of the examination fee. HRPA will require proper documentation.
  •  I am aware that it is my responsibility to keep HRPA informed of any changes in my contact information, including my email address. HRPA relies on our membership database for up to date information. Please log on to the HRPA website at www.hrpa.ca to update your profile at any time.
  •  I understand that HRPA will forward confirmation information by email, and that I must ensure that my email can accept emails from HRPA.
  •  I understand that the information collected by means of this application will be used only for the purposes of the administering the exams. I understand that this information may be shared with other third parties; such parties i.e. exam vendor (Prometric), HRPA’s Psychometrician having expressly agreed to abide by HRPA's Privacy Policy and have signed a Confidentiality Agreement.
  • I agree that all information provided by means of this registration form as well as responses to exam questions become property of HRPA.

We apologize. Something happen. The MeetingID we need for this page is missing from the URL. Please go back and try again.

CHRP Knowlege Exam (CKE1) - Practice Exam 2

Date and Time

Starts:09/08/2023 8:00 AM

Ends:11/30/2023 8:00 AM

Registration Closes:11/28/2023 8:00 AM





Additional Information

Event Sponsor

The CHRP Knowledge Exam (CKE1) - Practice Exam 2. There are 75 questions to complete in 3 hours. The CHRP Knowledge Exam (CKE1) - Practice Exam 1, is being sold at an introductory offer of $69.99 which is 30% of the original price of $99.99. This product is non-refundable. The access period is for 3 months. The access period starts from the date in which you launch the exam.

We apologize. Something happen. The MeetingID we need for this page is missing from the URL. Please go back and try again.

Date and Time

Starts:01/15/2024 12:00 AM

Ends:01/19/2024 11:59 PM

Registration Closes:01/13/2024 12:00 AM




Additional Information

Event Sponsor

We apologize. Something happen. The MeetingID we need for this page is missing from the URL. Please go back and try again.

Date and Time

Starts:09/05/2023 8:00 AM

Ends:09/19/2023 8:00 AM

Registration Closes:09/09/2023 8:00 AM




Additional Information

Event Sponsor

Important Information:

You are registering for the Employment Law Exam for the CHRP designation.

To register for the exam, click on the login button at the top left - hand corner of the screen. You are required to enter your username and password and follow the registration process through to the payment screen. If you do not see the register online button, this means that you are not currentl eligible for the exam. Please ensure you are an active member who has passed the knowledge exam.

Exam Testing Window

September 5 - 19, 2023

The CHRP Employment Law exam is only valid for the CHRP designation. If you wish to earn the CHRL designation you are required to register and write the CHRL Employment Law Exam.

Note: The CHRL Employment Law Exam is valid for both the CHRP and the CHRL designations.

HRPA will continue to offer a dual modality delivery,  what this means is that you will have a choice of writing in a test centre or via the online delivery method (remote proctoring). Upon completion of your exam registration and payment with HRPA, you are required to schedule your exam seat time and location directly with the exam vendor. www.prometric.com/hrpa.

Confirmation of Eligibility: In order to write the CHRP or CHRL Employment Law Exams for the CHRP designation or the CHRL designation, applicants must have met the eligibility requirements. To qualify to write the CHRP Employment Law exam you must have passed the CHRP Knowledge Exam (CHRP -KE) and to write the CHRL Employment Law Exam you must have passed the CHRL Knowledge Exam (CHRL-KE).

Withdrawal Policies: HRPA has very specific withdrawal policy in relation to the exam.

Rules of Professional Conduct & Code of Ethics: All members of HRPA commit to abide by the Rules of Professional Conduct.

Privacy Policy: HRPA is committed to protecting the privacy of your personal information. For further information about HRPA's Privacy Policy, please visit our website at www.hrpa.ca

Disqualification: HRPA reserves the right to disqualify any member from writing or to withhold exam results if a member no longer meets the registration requirements.

Accommodation Requests: Please refer to Accommodations Policy & Request Document on the HRPA website www.hrpa.ca

Terms and Conditions:

  • I understand and agree that any alleged violation of this agreement or any alleged activity that may compromise the validity, integrity, or security of any portion of a HRPA certification exam will be investigated by HRPA. I also understand that if HRPA has a reasonable basis to question the validity of any exam score, HRPA reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to withhold and/or cancel/and/or invalidate exam scores.
  • I warrant that all information I have provided on my application form and all supporting documentation is complete and accurate and I further understand that this information is subject to verification by HRPA at any time.
  •  I agree to abide by all examination security procedures and regulations.
  •  This examination is confidential, and the test questions contained therein are the exclusive property of the Human Resources Professionals Association (HRPA). It is made available to you, the examinee, solely for the purpose of assessing your knowledge. This examination and the items contained therein are protected by copyright law. No part of this examination may be copied, recorded, disclosed, published, transmitted or reproduced in part or in whole, by any means whatsoever, including memorization, unless previously authorized by HRPA.
  •  I agree to keep the content of the exams confidential by not divulging any details of its contents to anyone through any method including but not limited to (email, blogs, chat groups) i.e. Facebook. I understand that releasing any said information would be considered a breach of the Rules of Professional Conduct and could result in disciplinary action.
  •  I have read and understand that HRPA will work with members who require support in writing their exams due to personal disability. Members must notify HRPA staff of their needs at the time of registration. Should you require accommodations in order to write the exam, please indicate this in the consent section of this online form. HRPA will then be in contact with you to discuss options and available support. If you fail to notify HRPA of your needs at the time of registration, we can't guarantee that we will be able to accommodate your needs at the time of examination. HRPA, Office of the Registrar staff require time to work with the examination vendor to implement the required accommodations.
  •  I am aware that failure to show up for the exam, barring documented illness or other personal emergency, will result in forfeiture of the examination fee. HRPA will require proper documentation.
  •  I am aware that it is my responsibility to keep HRPA informed of any changes in my contact information, including my email address. HRPA relies on our membership database for up to date information. Please log on to the HRPA website at www.hrpa.ca to update your profile at any time.
  •  I understand that HRPA will forward confirmation information by email, and that I must ensure that my email can accept emails from HRPA.
  •  I understand that the information collected by means of this application will be used only for the purposes of the administering the exams. I understand that this information may be shared with other third parties; such parties i.e. exam vendor (Prometric), HRPA’s Psychometrician having expressly agreed to abide by HRPA's Privacy Policy and have signed a Confidentiality Agreement.
  • I agree that all information provided by means of this registration form as well as responses to exam questions become property of HRPA.

We apologize. Something happen. The MeetingID we need for this page is missing from the URL. Please go back and try again.

Date and Time

Starts:09/20/2023 8:00 AM

Ends:10/04/2023 8:00 AM

Registration Closes:09/27/2023 8:00 AM




Additional Information

Event Sponsor

Important Information

You are registering for the Employment Law Exam for the CHRL designation. To register for the CHRL Employment Law Exam you must have passed the CHRL Knowledge Exam.

To register for the exam, click on the login button at the top left - hand corner of the screen. You are required to enter your username and password and follow the registration process through to the payment screen.

Confirmation of Eligibility: In order to write the CHRP or CHRL Employment Law Exams for the CHRP designation or the CHRL designation, applicants must have met the eligibility requirements. To qualify to write the CHRP Employment Law exam you must have passed the CHRP Knowledge exam and to write the CHRL Employment Law Exam you must have passed the CHRL Knowledge exam.

Exam Testing Window

September 20 - October 4, 2023

The CHRL Employment Law Exam is valid for both the CHRP and CHRL designations. If you wish to earn the CHRP designation while you wait to meet the requirements for the CHRL designation, you are required to complete the Job Ready Program after passing the CHRL Employment Law Exam.

Note: The CHRL Employment Law Exam is valid for both the CHRP and the CHRL designations.

As HRPA has moved to computer - based testing, upon completion of your exam registration and payment with HRPA, you are required to schedule your exam seat time and location directly with the exam vendor. www.prometric.com/hrpa.

Withdrawal Policies: HRPA has very specific withdrawal policy in relation to the exam.

Rules of Professional Conduct & Code of Ethics: All members of HRPA commit to abide by the Rules of Professional Conduct.

Privacy Policy: HRPA is committed to protecting the privacy of your personal information. For further information about HRPA's Privacy Policy, please visit our website at www.hrpa.ca

Disqualification: HRPA reserves the right to disqualify any member from writing or to withhold exam results if a member no longer meets the registration requirements.

Accommodation Requests: Please refer to Accommodations Policy & Request Document on the HRPA website www.hrpa.ca

Terms and Conditions:

  •  I warrant that all information I have provided on my application form and all supporting documentation is complete and accurate and I further understand that this information is subject to verification by HRPA at any time.
  •  I agree to abide by all examination security procedures and policies and regulations for both computer based testing as well as remote proctoring.
  •  I agree to keep the content of the exams confidential by not divulging any details of its contents to anyone through any method including but not limited to (email, blogs, chat groups) i.e. Facebook. I understand that releasing any said information would be considered a breach of the Rules of Professional Conduct and could result in disciplinary action.
  •  I have read and understand that HRPA will work with members who require support in writing their exams due to personal disability. Members must notify HRPA staff of their needs at the time of registration. Should you require accommodations in order to write the exam, please indicate this in the consent section of this online form. HRPA will then be in contact with you to discuss options and available support. If you fail to notify HRPA of your needs at the time of registration, we can't guarantee that we will be able to accommodate your needs at the time of examination. HRPA, Office of the Registrar staff require time to work with the examination vendor to implement the required accommodations.
  •  I am aware that failure to show up for the exam, barring documented illness or other personal emergency, will result in forfeiture of the examination fee. HRPA will require proper documentation.
  •  I am aware that it is my responsibility to keep HRPA informed of any changes in my contact information, including my email address. HRPA relies on our membership database for up to date information. Please log on to the HRPA website at www.hrpa.ca to update your profile at any time.
  •  I understand that HRPA will forward confirmation information by email, and that I must ensure that my email can accept emails from HRPA.
  •  I understand that the information collected by means of this application will be used only for the purposes of the administering the exams. I understand that this information may be shared with other third parties; such parties i.e. exam vendor (Prometric), HRPA’s Psychometrician having expressly agreed to abide by HRPA's Privacy Policy and have signed a Confidentiality Agreement.
  • I agree that all information provided by means of this registration form as well as responses to exam questions become property of HRPA.

We apologize. Something happen. The MeetingID we need for this page is missing from the URL. Please go back and try again.

Date and Time

Starts:10/10/2023 8:00 AM

Ends:10/24/2023 8:00 AM

Registration Closes:10/25/2023 8:00 AM




Additional Information

Event Sponsor

Important Information:

You are registering for the CHRP-KE for the CHRP designation. You cannot register for this exam unless you are an active paid member of HRPA who has met the coursework requirement and have been granted eligiblity by HRPA.

To register for the exam, click on the Register Online button.

Exam Testing Window

October 10 -24, 2023

The CHRP-KE exam is only valid for the CHRP designation. If you wish to earn the CHRL designation you are required to register and write the CHRL-KE exam.

Note: The CHRL-KE Exam is valid for both the CHRP and the CHRL designations.

HRPA will continue to offer the dual modality delivery until the end of 2021, what this means is that you will have a choice to write your exam at a test centre or via the online delivery method (remote proctoring). Upon completion of your exam registration and payment with HRPA, you are required to schedule your exam seat time and location directly with the exam vendor. www.prometric.com/hrpa.

Confirmation of Eligibility: In order to write the CHRP-KE or the CHRL-KE Exams for the CHRP designation or the CHRL designation, applicants must have met the eligibility requirements. To qualify to write the CHRP-KE or CHRL-KE exams, individuals must have met the coursework requirement. Pursuant to Section 15 of the Registered Human Resources Professionals Act, 2013, an individual is not a registrant of the Association unless the register indicates that he or she is a registrant. If you are not a registrant in good-standing, appearing on HRPA’s public register, you are not permitted to register for this exam.  

Withdrawal Policies: HRPA has very specific withdrawal policy in relation to the exam.

Rules of Professional Conduct & Code of Ethics: All members of HRPA commit to abide by the Rules of Professional Conduct.

Privacy Policy: HRPA is committed to protecting the privacy of your personal information. For further information please view HRPA's Privacy Policy on the HRPA website.

Disqualification: HRPA reserves the right to disqualify any member from writing or to withhold exam results if a member no longer meets the registration requirements.

Accommodation Requests: Please refer to Accommodations Policy & Request Document on the HRPA website www.hrpa.ca

Terms and Conditions:

  • I understand and agree that any alleged violation of this agreement or any alleged activity that may compromise the validity, integrity, or security of any portion of a HRPA certification exam will be investigated by HRPA. I also understand that if HRPA has a reasonable basis to question the validity of any exam score, HRPA reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to withhold and/or cancel/and/or invalidate exam scores.
  • I warrant that all information I have provided on my application form and all supporting documentation is complete and accurate and I further understand that this information is subject to verification by HRPA at any time.
  •  I agree to abide by all examination security procedures and regulations.
  •  This examination is confidential, and the test questions contained therein are the exclusive property of the Human Resources Professionals Association (HRPA). It is made available to you, the examinee, solely for the purpose of assessing your knowledge. This examination and the items contained therein are protected by copyright law. No part of this examination may be copied, recorded, disclosed, published, transmitted or reproduced in part or in whole, by any means whatsoever, including memorization, unless previously authorized by HRPA.
  •  I agree to keep the content of the exams confidential by not divulging any details of its contents to anyone through any method including but not limited to (email, blogs, chat groups) i.e. Facebook. I understand that releasing any said information would be considered a breach of the Rules of Professional Conduct and could result in disciplinary action.
  •  I have read and understand that HRPA will work with members who require support in writing their exams due to personal disability. Members must notify HRPA staff of their needs at the time of registration and must be sent within 20 days of the first day of the testing window. Should you require accommodations in order to write the exam, please indicate this in the consent section of this online form. HRPA will then be in contact with you to discuss options and available support. If you fail to notify HRPA of your needs at the time of registration, which must fall within 20 days of the first day of the testing window,  we can't guarantee that we will be able to accommodate your needs at the time of examination. HRPA, Office of the Registrar staff require time to work with the examination vendor to implement the required accommodations.
  •  I am aware that failure to show up for the exam, barring documented illness or other personal emergency, will result in forfeiture of the examination fee. HRPA will require proper documentation.
  •  I am aware that it is my responsibility to keep HRPA informed of any changes in my contact information, including my email address. HRPA relies on our membership database for up to date information. Please log on to the HRPA website at www.hrpa.ca to update your profile at any time.
  •  I understand that HRPA will forward confirmation information by email, and that I must ensure that my email can accept emails from HRPA.
  •  I understand that the information collected by means of this application will be used only for the purposes of the administering the exams. I understand that this information may be shared with other third parties; such parties i.e. exam vendor (Prometric), HRPA’s Psychometrician having expressly agreed to abide by HRPA's Privacy Policy and have signed a Confidentiality Agreement.
  • I agree that all information provided by means of this registration form as well as responses to exam questions become property of HRPA.

We apologize. Something happen. The MeetingID we need for this page is missing from the URL. Please go back and try again.

Date and Time

Starts:11/14/2023 8:00 AM

Ends:11/28/2023 8:00 AM

Registration Closes:11/24/2023 8:00 AM




Additional Information

Event Sponsor

Important Information:

You are registering for the CHRL-KE for the CHRL designation. To qualify for the CHRLKE you must be an active member approved for the public register and must have met the coursework requirements. You cannot register until HRPA has granted you the eligiblity to do so.

To register for the exam, click on the Register Online button.

Exam Testing Window

November 14 - 28, 2023

The CHRP-KE exam is only valid for the CHRP designation. If you wish to earn the CHRL designation you are required to register and write the CHRL-KE exam.

Note: The CHRL-KE Exam is valid for both the CHRP and the CHRL designations.

As HRPA has moved to a dual modality delivery for exams for the remainder of 2021, which means you have choice of testing remotely or in a test centre(as long as the test centre has re-opened), so upon completion of your exam registration and payment with HRPA, you are required to schedule your exam seat time and/or location directly with the exam vendor. www.prometric.com/hrpa.

Confirmation of Eligibility: In order to write the CHRP-KE or the CHRL-KE Exams for the CHRP designation or the CHRL designation, applicants must have met the eligibility requirements. To qualify to write the CHRP-KE or CHRL-KE exams, individuals must have met the coursework requirement. Pursuant to Section 15 of the Registered Human Resources Professionals Act, 2013, an individual is not a registrant of the Association unless the register indicates that he or she is a registrant. If you are not a registrant in good-standing, appearing on HRPA’s public register, you are not permitted to register for this exam.  

Withdrawal Policies: HRPA has very specific withdrawal policy in relation to the exam.

Rules of Professional Conduct & Code of Ethics: All members of HRPA commit to abide by the Rules of Professional Conduct.

Privacy Policy: HRPA is committed to protecting the privacy of your personal information. For further information please view HRPA's Privacy Policy on the HRPA website.

Disqualification: HRPA reserves the right to disqualify any member from writing or to withhold exam results if a member no longer meets the registration requirements.

Accommodation Requests: Please refer to Accommodations Policy & Request Document on the HRPA website www.hrpa.ca

Terms and Conditions:

  • I understand and agree that any alleged violation of this agreement or any alleged activity that may compromise the validity, integrity, or security of any portion of a HRPA certification exam will be investigated by HRPA. I also understand that if HRPA has a reasonable basis to question the validity of any exam score, HRPA reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to withhold and/or cancel/and/or invalidate exam scores.
  • I warrant that all information I have provided on my application form and all supporting documentation is complete and accurate and I further understand that this information is subject to verification by HRPA at any time.
  •  I agree to abide by all examination security procedures and regulations.
  •  This examination is confidential, and the test questions contained therein are the exclusive property of the Human Resources Professionals Association (HRPA). It is made available to you, the examinee, solely for the purpose of assessing your knowledge. This examination and the items contained therein are protected by copyright law. No part of this examination may be copied, recorded, disclosed, published, transmitted or reproduced in part or in whole, by any means whatsoever, including memorization, unless previously authorized by HRPA.
  •  I agree to keep the content of the exams confidential by not divulging any details of its contents to anyone through any method including but not limited to (email, blogs, chat groups) i.e. Facebook. I understand that releasing any said information would be considered a breach of the Rules of Professional Conduct and could result in disciplinary action.
  •  I have read and understand that HRPA will work with members who require support in writing their exams due to personal disability. Members must notify HRPA staff of their needs at the time of registration. Should you require accommodations in order to write the exam, please indicate this in the consent section of this online form. HRPA will then be in contact with you to discuss options and available support. If you fail to notify HRPA of your needs at the time of registration, we can't guarantee that we will be able to accommodate your needs at the time of examination. HRPA, Office of the Registrar staff require time to work with the examination vendor to implement the required accommodations.
  •  I am aware that failure to show up for the exam, barring documented illness or other personal emergency, will result in forfeiture of the examination fee. HRPA will require proper documentation.
  •  I am aware that it is my responsibility to keep HRPA informed of any changes in my contact information, including my email address. HRPA relies on our membership database for up to date information. Please log on to the HRPA website at www.hrpa.ca to update your profile at any time.
  •  I understand that HRPA will forward confirmation information by email, and that I must ensure that my email can accept emails from HRPA.
  •  I understand that the information collected by means of this application will be used only for the purposes of the administering the exams. I understand that this information may be shared with other third parties; such parties i.e. exam vendor (Prometric), HRPA’s Psychometrician having expressly agreed to abide by HRPA's Privacy Policy and have signed a Confidentiality Agreement.
  • I agree that all information provided by means of this registration form as well as responses to exam questions become property of HRPA.

We apologize. Something happen. The MeetingID we need for this page is missing from the URL. Please go back and try again.

test meeting

Date and Time

Starts:06/21/2023 5:00 PM

Ends:06/21/2023 10:00 PM

Registration Closes:06/20/2023 1:00 PM




Additional Information

Event Sponsor

We apologize. Something happen. The MeetingID we need for this page is missing from the URL. Please go back and try again.

Date and Time

Starts:03/29/2023 8:00 AM

Ends:04/12/2023 8:00 AM

Registration Closes:03/28/2023 8:00 AM




Additional Information

Event Sponsor

We apologize. Something happen. The MeetingID we need for this page is missing from the URL. Please go back and try again.

Date and Time

Starts:10/10/2023 8:00 AM

Ends:10/24/2023 8:00 AM

Registration Closes:10/11/2023 8:00 AM




Additional Information

Event Sponsor

Important Information:

You are registering for the CHRP-KE in French for the CHRP designation. You cannot register for this exam unless you are an active paid member of HRPA who has met the coursework requirement and have been granted eligiblity by HRPA.

To register for the exam, click on the Register Online button.

Exam Testing Window

October 10 -24, 2023

The CHRP-KE exam is only valid for the CHRP designation. If you wish to earn the CHRL designation you are required to register and write the CHRL-KE exam.

Note: The CHRL-KE Exam is valid for both the CHRP and the CHRL designations.

HRPA will continue to offer the dual modality delivery until the end of 2021, what this means is that you will have a choice to write your exam at a test centre or via the online delivery method (remote proctoring). Upon completion of your exam registration and payment with HRPA, you are required to schedule your exam seat time and location directly with the exam vendor. www.prometric.com/hrpa.

Confirmation of Eligibility: In order to write the CHRP-KE or the CHRL-KE Exams for the CHRP designation or the CHRL designation, applicants must have met the eligibility requirements. To qualify to write the CHRP-KE or CHRL-KE exams, individuals must have met the coursework requirement. Pursuant to Section 15 of the Registered Human Resources Professionals Act, 2013, an individual is not a registrant of the Association unless the register indicates that he or she is a registrant. If you are not a registrant in good-standing, appearing on HRPA’s public register, you are not permitted to register for this exam.  

Withdrawal Policies: HRPA has very specific withdrawal policy in relation to the exam.

Rules of Professional Conduct & Code of Ethics: All members of HRPA commit to abide by the Rules of Professional Conduct.

Privacy Policy: HRPA is committed to protecting the privacy of your personal information. For further information please view HRPA's Privacy Policy on the HRPA website.

Disqualification: HRPA reserves the right to disqualify any member from writing or to withhold exam results if a member no longer meets the registration requirements.

Accommodation Requests: Please refer to Accommodations Policy & Request Document on the HRPA website www.hrpa.ca

Terms and Conditions:

  • I understand and agree that any alleged violation of this agreement or any alleged activity that may compromise the validity, integrity, or security of any portion of a HRPA certification exam will be investigated by HRPA. I also understand that if HRPA has a reasonable basis to question the validity of any exam score, HRPA reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to withhold and/or cancel/and/or invalidate exam scores.
  • I warrant that all information I have provided on my application form and all supporting documentation is complete and accurate and I further understand that this information is subject to verification by HRPA at any time.
  •  I agree to abide by all examination security procedures and regulations.
  •  This examination is confidential, and the test questions contained therein are the exclusive property of the Human Resources Professionals Association (HRPA). It is made available to you, the examinee, solely for the purpose of assessing your knowledge. This examination and the items contained therein are protected by copyright law. No part of this examination may be copied, recorded, disclosed, published, transmitted or reproduced in part or in whole, by any means whatsoever, including memorization, unless previously authorized by HRPA.
  •  I agree to keep the content of the exams confidential by not divulging any details of its contents to anyone through any method including but not limited to (email, blogs, chat groups) i.e. Facebook. I understand that releasing any said information would be considered a breach of the Rules of Professional Conduct and could result in disciplinary action.
  •  I have read and understand that HRPA will work with members who require support in writing their exams due to personal disability. Members must notify HRPA staff of their needs at the time of registration and must be sent within 20 days of the first day of the testing window. Should you require accommodations in order to write the exam, please indicate this in the consent section of this online form. HRPA will then be in contact with you to discuss options and available support. If you fail to notify HRPA of your needs at the time of registration, which must fall within 20 days of the first day of the testing window,  we can't guarantee that we will be able to accommodate your needs at the time of examination. HRPA, Office of the Registrar staff require time to work with the examination vendor to implement the required accommodations.
  •  I am aware that failure to show up for the exam, barring documented illness or other personal emergency, will result in forfeiture of the examination fee. HRPA will require proper documentation.
  •  I am aware that it is my responsibility to keep HRPA informed of any changes in my contact information, including my email address. HRPA relies on our membership database for up to date information. Please log on to the HRPA website at www.hrpa.ca to update your profile at any time.
  •  I understand that HRPA will forward confirmation information by email, and that I must ensure that my email can accept emails from HRPA.
  •  I understand that the information collected by means of this application will be used only for the purposes of the administering the exams. I understand that this information may be shared with other third parties; such parties i.e. exam vendor (Prometric), HRPA’s Psychometrician having expressly agreed to abide by HRPA's Privacy Policy and have signed a Confidentiality Agreement.
  • I agree that all information provided by means of this registration form as well as responses to exam questions become property of HRPA.

We apologize. Something happen. The MeetingID we need for this page is missing from the URL. Please go back and try again.

Date and Time

Starts:09/20/2023 8:00 AM

Ends:10/04/2023 8:00 AM

Registration Closes:09/20/2023 8:00 AM




Additional Information

Event Sponsor

Important Information

You are registering for the Employment Law Exam for the CHRL designation in French. To register for the CHRL Employment Law Exam you must have passed the CHRL Knowledge Exam. If you do not see the register online button then you have not met the eligiblity requirements

To register for the exam, click on the login button at the top left - hand corner of the screen. You are required to enter your username and password and follow the registration process through to the payment screen.

Confirmation of Eligibility: In order to write the CHRP or CHRL Employment Law Exams for the CHRP designation or the CHRL designation, applicants must have met the eligibility requirements. To qualify to write the CHRP Employment Law exam you must have passed the CHRP Knowledge exam and to write the CHRL Employment Law Exam you must have passed the CHRL Knowledge exam.

Exam Testing Window

September 20 - October 4, 2023

The CHRL Employment Law Exam is valid for both the CHRP and CHRL designations. If you wish to earn the CHRP designation while you wait to meet the requirements for the CHRL designation, you are required to complete the Job Ready Program after passing the CHRL Employment Law Exam.

Note: The CHRL Employment Law Exam is valid for both the CHRP and the CHRL designations.

As HRPA has moved to computer - based testing, upon completion of your exam registration and payment with HRPA, you are required to schedule your exam seat time and location directly with the exam vendor. www.prometric.com/hrpa.

Withdrawal Policies: HRPA has very specific withdrawal policy in relation to the exam.

Rules of Professional Conduct & Code of Ethics: All members of HRPA commit to abide by the Rules of Professional Conduct.

Privacy Policy: HRPA is committed to protecting the privacy of your personal information. For further information about HRPA's Privacy Policy, please visit our website at www.hrpa.ca

Disqualification: HRPA reserves the right to disqualify any member from writing or to withhold exam results if a member no longer meets the registration requirements.

Accommodation Requests: Please refer to Accommodations Policy & Request Document on the HRPA website www.hrpa.ca

Terms and Conditions:

  •  I warrant that all information I have provided on my application form and all supporting documentation is complete and accurate and I further understand that this information is subject to verification by HRPA at any time.
  •  I agree to abide by all examination security procedures and policies and regulations for both computer based testing as well as remote proctoring.
  •  I agree to keep the content of the exams confidential by not divulging any details of its contents to anyone through any method including but not limited to (email, blogs, chat groups) i.e. Facebook. I understand that releasing any said information would be considered a breach of the Rules of Professional Conduct and could result in disciplinary action.
  •  I have read and understand that HRPA will work with members who require support in writing their exams due to personal disability. Members must notify HRPA staff of their needs at the time of registration. Should you require accommodations in order to write the exam, please indicate this in the consent section of this online form. HRPA will then be in contact with you to discuss options and available support. If you fail to notify HRPA of your needs at the time of registration, we can't guarantee that we will be able to accommodate your needs at the time of examination. HRPA, Office of the Registrar staff require time to work with the examination vendor to implement the required accommodations.
  •  I am aware that failure to show up for the exam, barring documented illness or other personal emergency, will result in forfeiture of the examination fee. HRPA will require proper documentation.
  •  I am aware that it is my responsibility to keep HRPA informed of any changes in my contact information, including my email address. HRPA relies on our membership database for up to date information. Please log on to the HRPA website at www.hrpa.ca to update your profile at any time.
  •  I understand that HRPA will forward confirmation information by email, and that I must ensure that my email can accept emails from HRPA.
  •  I understand that the information collected by means of this application will be used only for the purposes of the administering the exams. I understand that this information may be shared with other third parties; such parties i.e. exam vendor (Prometric), HRPA’s Psychometrician having expressly agreed to abide by HRPA's Privacy Policy and have signed a Confidentiality Agreement.
  • I agree that all information provided by means of this registration form as well as responses to exam questions become property of HRPA.

We apologize. Something happen. The MeetingID we need for this page is missing from the URL. Please go back and try again.

Date and Time

Starts:11/14/2023 8:00 AM

Ends:11/28/2023 8:00 AM

Registration Closes:11/14/2023 8:00 AM




Additional Information

Event Sponsor

Important Information:

You are registering for the CHRL-KE in French for the CHRL designation. To qualify for the CHRLKE you must be an active member approved for the public register and must have met the coursework requirements. You cannot register until HRPA has granted you the eligiblity to do so.

To register for the exam, click on the Register Online button.

Exam Testing Window

November 14 - 28, 2023

The CHRP-KE exam is only valid for the CHRP designation. If you wish to earn the CHRL designation you are required to register and write the CHRL-KE exam.

Note: The CHRL-KE Exam is valid for both the CHRP and the CHRL designations.

As HRPA has moved to a dual modality delivery for exams for the remainder of 2021, which means you have choice of testing remotely or in a test centre(as long as the test centre has re-opened), so upon completion of your exam registration and payment with HRPA, you are required to schedule your exam seat time and/or location directly with the exam vendor. www.prometric.com/hrpa.

Confirmation of Eligibility: In order to write the CHRP-KE or the CHRL-KE Exams for the CHRP designation or the CHRL designation, applicants must have met the eligibility requirements. To qualify to write the CHRP-KE or CHRL-KE exams, individuals must have met the coursework requirement. Pursuant to Section 15 of the Registered Human Resources Professionals Act, 2013, an individual is not a registrant of the Association unless the register indicates that he or she is a registrant. If you are not a registrant in good-standing, appearing on HRPA’s public register, you are not permitted to register for this exam.  

Withdrawal Policies: HRPA has very specific withdrawal policy in relation to the exam.

Rules of Professional Conduct & Code of Ethics: All members of HRPA commit to abide by the Rules of Professional Conduct.

Privacy Policy: HRPA is committed to protecting the privacy of your personal information. For further information please view HRPA's Privacy Policy on the HRPA website.

Disqualification: HRPA reserves the right to disqualify any member from writing or to withhold exam results if a member no longer meets the registration requirements.

Accommodation Requests: Please refer to Accommodations Policy & Request Document on the HRPA website www.hrpa.ca

Terms and Conditions:

  • I understand and agree that any alleged violation of this agreement or any alleged activity that may compromise the validity, integrity, or security of any portion of a HRPA certification exam will be investigated by HRPA. I also understand that if HRPA has a reasonable basis to question the validity of any exam score, HRPA reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to withhold and/or cancel/and/or invalidate exam scores.
  • I warrant that all information I have provided on my application form and all supporting documentation is complete and accurate and I further understand that this information is subject to verification by HRPA at any time.
  •  I agree to abide by all examination security procedures and regulations.
  •  This examination is confidential, and the test questions contained therein are the exclusive property of the Human Resources Professionals Association (HRPA). It is made available to you, the examinee, solely for the purpose of assessing your knowledge. This examination and the items contained therein are protected by copyright law. No part of this examination may be copied, recorded, disclosed, published, transmitted or reproduced in part or in whole, by any means whatsoever, including memorization, unless previously authorized by HRPA.
  •  I agree to keep the content of the exams confidential by not divulging any details of its contents to anyone through any method including but not limited to (email, blogs, chat groups) i.e. Facebook. I understand that releasing any said information would be considered a breach of the Rules of Professional Conduct and could result in disciplinary action.
  •  I have read and understand that HRPA will work with members who require support in writing their exams due to personal disability. Members must notify HRPA staff of their needs at the time of registration. Should you require accommodations in order to write the exam, please indicate this in the consent section of this online form. HRPA will then be in contact with you to discuss options and available support. If you fail to notify HRPA of your needs at the time of registration, we can't guarantee that we will be able to accommodate your needs at the time of examination. HRPA, Office of the Registrar staff require time to work with the examination vendor to implement the required accommodations.
  •  I am aware that failure to show up for the exam, barring documented illness or other personal emergency, will result in forfeiture of the examination fee. HRPA will require proper documentation.
  •  I am aware that it is my responsibility to keep HRPA informed of any changes in my contact information, including my email address. HRPA relies on our membership database for up to date information. Please log on to the HRPA website at www.hrpa.ca to update your profile at any time.
  •  I understand that HRPA will forward confirmation information by email, and that I must ensure that my email can accept emails from HRPA.
  •  I understand that the information collected by means of this application will be used only for the purposes of the administering the exams. I understand that this information may be shared with other third parties; such parties i.e. exam vendor (Prometric), HRPA’s Psychometrician having expressly agreed to abide by HRPA's Privacy Policy and have signed a Confidentiality Agreement.
  • I agree that all information provided by means of this registration form as well as responses to exam questions become property of HRPA.

We apologize. Something happen. The MeetingID we need for this page is missing from the URL. Please go back and try again.

CPD Special Discount Bundles - On Demand

Date and Time

Starts:04/13/2023 8:00 AM

Ends:05/31/2023 8:00 AM

Registration Closes:




Additional Information

Event Sponsor

The May 31st CPD deadline is fast approaching for some of you! There is still time to catch up and get your CPD log completed before the deadline. We have made it easier for you and even added a 10% discount to register for any of the conferences that you may have missed in the last few months. Following are the  eligible programs.


Discount Code – ONDBDL2023 (Apply at the checkout)


  1. *FULL - Talent Across Generations - Link
  2. *FULL - Effective Leadership + Effective HR – Link
  3. *FULL - HRPA 2022 Fall Conference - Link
  4. *Full - HRPA 2022 Annual HR Law Conference - 30th Anniversary - Link
  5. *FULL* HRPA 2022 Summer Conference - Link
  6. *FULL - Human-Centric Workplaces - Link
  7.  *Preparing for the Future: The New Era of Talent Development - Link


Steps to add Discount:

  1. Click on the link which you would like to purchase from the above list
  2. Add to the cart (Sign in if required)
  3. Use the discount code in the "Enter Promo Code" Section
  4. Click the button under the section to see 10% added in the "Order Summery" at the right side
  5. Check-out


We apologize. Something happen. The MeetingID we need for this page is missing from the URL. Please go back and try again.

Date and Time

Starts:08/18/2023 8:00 AM

Ends:08/25/2023 8:00 AM

Registration Closes:08/18/2023 8:00 AM




Additional Information

Event Sponsor

We apologize. Something happen. The MeetingID we need for this page is missing from the URL. Please go back and try again.

Niagara: IN-PERSON Student Networking Event

Date and Time

Starts:11/15/2023 7:30 PM

Ends:11/15/2023 9:00 PM

Registration Closes:11/15/2023 4:30 PM


The Armoury - Niagara College Campus 135 Taylor Rd. Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON


HRPA Members: Free or Optional $5 Donation | Student Non-members with Promo Code: Free | Non-Members: $35

Join HRPA Now


Additional Information

Online registration is required. A $35 + tax “no show/late cancellation” fee will be charged if cancellation is not provided to chaptercancellations@hrpa.ca at least 3 business days in advance. Registrations will not be accepted at the door.

Pizza and appetizes, beverages (water & juice) will be served. The bar will be opened but not included.

Event Sponsor

Stop by after class to connect with HRPA professionals.  Take this opportunity to connect with past student members to talk to them about the HRPA designations, preparing for the exams, looking for your first role out of school or that internship position coming up. Can’t wait to see you there.

A “no show/late cancellation” fee will be charged if cancellation is not provided to chaptercancellations@hrpa.ca at least 3 business days in advance.

Registrations will NOT be accepted at the door.

Registration Difficulties or Questions: Please reach out to our Chapter Experience Coordinator Tracey Gallacher at tgallacher@hrpa.ca  

We apologize. Something happen. The MeetingID we need for this page is missing from the URL. Please go back and try again.

Date and Time

Starts:08/14/2023 12:00 AM

Ends:08/18/2023 11:59 PM

Registration Closes:08/12/2023 12:00 AM




Additional Information

Event Sponsor

We apologize. Something happen. The MeetingID we need for this page is missing from the URL. Please go back and try again.

HRPA 2023 Annual Meeting Webcast

Date and Time

Starts:05/17/2023 1:30 PM

Ends:05/17/2023 3:00 PM

Registration Closes:05/17/2023 3:00 PM




Additional Information

Event Sponsor

We apologize. Something happen. The MeetingID we need for this page is missing from the URL. Please go back and try again.

HRPA 2023 Annual Meeting Webcast - Dry Run

Date and Time

Starts:05/09/2023 8:00 AM

Ends:05/09/2023 8:00 AM

Registration Closes:05/09/2023 8:00 AM




Additional Information

Event Sponsor

We apologize. Something happen. The MeetingID we need for this page is missing from the URL. Please go back and try again.

HRPA 2023 Annual Meeting Webcast - Rehearsal

Date and Time

Starts:05/16/2023 10:00 AM

Ends:05/16/2023 12:00 PM

Registration Closes:05/16/2023 12:00 PM




Additional Information

Event Sponsor

We apologize. Something happen. The MeetingID we need for this page is missing from the URL. Please go back and try again.

HRPA 2023 Annual Meeting - Onsite

Date and Time

Starts:05/17/2023 1:30 PM

Ends:05/17/2023 3:00 PM

Registration Closes:05/17/2023 1:30 PM




Additional Information

Event Sponsor

We apologize. Something happen. The MeetingID we need for this page is missing from the URL. Please go back and try again.

Date and Time

Starts:04/29/2023 8:00 AM

Ends:05/03/2023 8:00 AM

Registration Closes:04/28/2023 8:00 AM




Additional Information

Event Sponsor

We apologize. Something happen. The MeetingID we need for this page is missing from the URL. Please go back and try again.

Date and Time

Starts:10/16/2023 12:00 AM

Ends:10/20/2023 11:59 PM

Registration Closes:12/07/2023 12:00 AM




Additional Information

Event Sponsor

We apologize. Something happen. The MeetingID we need for this page is missing from the URL. Please go back and try again.

Date and Time

Starts:02/06/2024 8:00 AM

Ends:02/20/2024 8:00 AM

Registration Closes:02/12/2024 12:00 AM




Additional Information

Event Sponsor

Important Information:

You are registering for the Employment Law Exam for the CHRP designation.

To register for the exam, click on the login button at the top left - hand corner of the screen. You are required to enter your username and password and follow the registration process through to the payment screen. If you do not see the register online button, this means that you are not currentl eligible for the exam. Please ensure you are an active member who has passed the knowledge exam.

Exam Testing Window

February 6 - 20, 2024

The CHRP Employment Law exam is only valid for the CHRP designation. If you wish to earn the CHRL designation you are required to register and write the CHRL Employment Law Exam.

Note: The CHRL Employment Law Exam is valid for both the CHRP and the CHRL designations.

HRPA will continue to offer a dual modality delivery,  what this means is that you will have a choice of writing in a test centre or via the online delivery method (remote proctoring). Upon completion of your exam registration and payment with HRPA, you are required to schedule your exam seat time and location directly with the exam vendor. www.prometric.com/hrpa.

Confirmation of Eligibility: In order to write the CHRP or CHRL Employment Law Exams for the CHRP designation or the CHRL designation, applicants must have met the eligibility requirements. To qualify to write the CHRP Employment Law exam you must have passed the CHRP Knowledge Exam (CHRP -KE) and to write the CHRL Employment Law Exam you must have passed the CHRL Knowledge Exam (CHRL-KE).

Withdrawal Policies: HRPA has very specific withdrawal policy in relation to the exam.

Rules of Professional Conduct & Code of Ethics: All members of HRPA commit to abide by the Rules of Professional Conduct.

Privacy Policy: HRPA is committed to protecting the privacy of your personal information. For further information about HRPA's Privacy Policy, please visit our website at www.hrpa.ca

Disqualification: HRPA reserves the right to disqualify any member from writing or to withhold exam results if a member no longer meets the registration requirements.

Accommodation Requests: Please refer to Accommodations Policy & Request Document on the HRPA website www.hrpa.ca

Terms and Conditions:

  • I understand and agree that any alleged violation of this agreement or any alleged activity that may compromise the validity, integrity, or security of any portion of a HRPA certification exam will be investigated by HRPA. I also understand that if HRPA has a reasonable basis to question the validity of any exam score, HRPA reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to withhold and/or cancel/and/or invalidate exam scores.
  • I warrant that all information I have provided on my application form and all supporting documentation is complete and accurate and I further understand that this information is subject to verification by HRPA at any time.
  •  I agree to abide by all examination security procedures and regulations.
  •  This examination is confidential, and the test questions contained therein are the exclusive property of the Human Resources Professionals Association (HRPA). It is made available to you, the examinee, solely for the purpose of assessing your knowledge. This examination and the items contained therein are protected by copyright law. No part of this examination may be copied, recorded, disclosed, published, transmitted or reproduced in part or in whole, by any means whatsoever, including memorization, unless previously authorized by HRPA.
  •  I agree to keep the content of the exams confidential by not divulging any details of its contents to anyone through any method including but not limited to (email, blogs, chat groups) i.e. Facebook. I understand that releasing any said information would be considered a breach of the Rules of Professional Conduct and could result in disciplinary action.
  •  I have read and understand that HRPA will work with members who require support in writing their exams due to personal disability. Members must notify HRPA staff of their needs at the time of registration. Should you require accommodations in order to write the exam, please indicate this in the consent section of this online form. HRPA will then be in contact with you to discuss options and available support. If you fail to notify HRPA of your needs at the time of registration, we can't guarantee that we will be able to accommodate your needs at the time of examination. HRPA, Office of the Registrar staff require time to work with the examination vendor to implement the required accommodations.
  •  I am aware that failure to show up for the exam, barring documented illness or other personal emergency, will result in forfeiture of the examination fee. HRPA will require proper documentation.
  •  I am aware that it is my responsibility to keep HRPA informed of any changes in my contact information, including my email address. HRPA relies on our membership database for up to date information. Please log on to the HRPA website at www.hrpa.ca to update your profile at any time.
  •  I understand that HRPA will forward confirmation information by email, and that I must ensure that my email can accept emails from HRPA.
  •  I understand that the information collected by means of this application will be used only for the purposes of the administering the exams. I understand that this information may be shared with other third parties; such parties i.e. exam vendor (Prometric), HRPA’s Psychometrician having expressly agreed to abide by HRPA's Privacy Policy and have signed a Confidentiality Agreement.
  • I agree that all information provided by means of this registration form as well as responses to exam questions become property of HRPA.

We apologize. Something happen. The MeetingID we need for this page is missing from the URL. Please go back and try again.

Date and Time

Starts:03/12/2024 8:00 AM

Ends:03/26/2024 8:00 AM

Registration Closes:03/22/2024 8:00 AM




Additional Information

Event Sponsor

Important Information

You are registering for the Employment Law Exam for the CHRL designation. To register for the CHRL Employment Law Exam you must have passed the CHRL Knowledge Exam.

To register for the exam, click on the login button at the top left - hand corner of the screen. You are required to enter your username and password and follow the registration process through to the payment screen.

Confirmation of Eligibility: In order to write the CHRP or CHRL Employment Law Exams for the CHRP designation or the CHRL designation, applicants must have met the eligibility requirements. To qualify to write the CHRP Employment Law exam you must have passed the CHRP Knowledge exam and to write the CHRL Employment Law Exam you must have passed the CHRL Knowledge exam.

Exam Testing Window

March 12 - 26, 2024

The CHRL Employment Law Exam is valid for both the CHRP and CHRL designations. If you wish to earn the CHRP designation while you wait to meet the requirements for the CHRL designation, you are required to complete the Job Ready Program after passing the CHRL Employment Law Exam.

Note: The CHRL Employment Law Exam is valid for both the CHRP and the CHRL designations.

As HRPA has moved to computer - based testing, upon completion of your exam registration and payment with HRPA, you are required to schedule your exam seat time and location directly with the exam vendor. www.prometric.com/hrpa.

Withdrawal Policies: HRPA has very specific withdrawal policy in relation to the exam.

Rules of Professional Conduct & Code of Ethics: All members of HRPA commit to abide by the Rules of Professional Conduct.

Privacy Policy: HRPA is committed to protecting the privacy of your personal information. For further information about HRPA's Privacy Policy, please visit our website at www.hrpa.ca

Disqualification: HRPA reserves the right to disqualify any member from writing or to withhold exam results if a member no longer meets the registration requirements.

Accommodation Requests: Please refer to Accommodations Policy & Request Document on the HRPA website www.hrpa.ca

Terms and Conditions:

  •  I warrant that all information I have provided on my application form and all supporting documentation is complete and accurate and I further understand that this information is subject to verification by HRPA at any time.
  •  I agree to abide by all examination security procedures and policies and regulations for both computer based testing as well as remote proctoring.
  •  I agree to keep the content of the exams confidential by not divulging any details of its contents to anyone through any method including but not limited to (email, blogs, chat groups) i.e. Facebook. I understand that releasing any said information would be considered a breach of the Rules of Professional Conduct and could result in disciplinary action.
  •  I have read and understand that HRPA will work with members who require support in writing their exams due to personal disability. Members must notify HRPA staff of their needs at the time of registration. Should you require accommodations in order to write the exam, please indicate this in the consent section of this online form. HRPA will then be in contact with you to discuss options and available support. If you fail to notify HRPA of your needs at the time of registration, we can't guarantee that we will be able to accommodate your needs at the time of examination. HRPA, Office of the Registrar staff require time to work with the examination vendor to implement the required accommodations.
  •  I am aware that failure to show up for the exam, barring documented illness or other personal emergency, will result in forfeiture of the examination fee. HRPA will require proper documentation.
  •  I am aware that it is my responsibility to keep HRPA informed of any changes in my contact information, including my email address. HRPA relies on our membership database for up to date information. Please log on to the HRPA website at www.hrpa.ca to update your profile at any time.
  •  I understand that HRPA will forward confirmation information by email, and that I must ensure that my email can accept emails from HRPA.
  •  I understand that the information collected by means of this application will be used only for the purposes of the administering the exams. I understand that this information may be shared with other third parties; such parties i.e. exam vendor (Prometric), HRPA’s Psychometrician having expressly agreed to abide by HRPA's Privacy Policy and have signed a Confidentiality Agreement.
  • I agree that all information provided by means of this registration form as well as responses to exam questions become property of HRPA.

We apologize. Something happen. The MeetingID we need for this page is missing from the URL. Please go back and try again.

Date and Time

Starts:06/04/2024 8:00 AM

Ends:06/18/2024 8:00 AM

Registration Closes:06/08/2024 11:30 PM




Additional Information

Event Sponsor

Important Information:

You are registering for the CHRL-KE for the CHRL designation. To qualify for the CHRLKE you must be an active member approved for the public register and must have met the coursework requirements. You cannot register until HRPA has granted you the eligiblity to do so.

To register for the exam, click on the Register Online button.

Exam Testing Window

June 4 - 18, 2024

The CHRP-KE exam is only valid for the CHRP designation. If you wish to earn the CHRL designation you are required to register and write the CHRL-KE exam.

Note: The CHRL-KE Exam is valid for both the CHRP and the CHRL designations.

As HRPA has moved to a dual modality delivery for exams for the remainder of 2021, which means you have choice of testing remotely or in a test centre(as long as the test centre has re-opened), so upon completion of your exam registration and payment with HRPA, you are required to schedule your exam seat time and/or location directly with the exam vendor. www.prometric.com/hrpa.

Confirmation of Eligibility: In order to write the CHRP-KE or the CHRL-KE Exams for the CHRP designation or the CHRL designation, applicants must have met the eligibility requirements. To qualify to write the CHRP-KE or CHRL-KE exams, individuals must have met the coursework requirement. Pursuant to Section 15 of the Registered Human Resources Professionals Act, 2013, an individual is not a registrant of the Association unless the register indicates that he or she is a registrant. If you are not a registrant in good-standing, appearing on HRPA’s public register, you are not permitted to register for this exam.  

Withdrawal Policies: HRPA has very specific withdrawal policy in relation to the exam.

Rules of Professional Conduct & Code of Ethics: All members of HRPA commit to abide by the Rules of Professional Conduct.

Privacy Policy: HRPA is committed to protecting the privacy of your personal information. For further information please view HRPA's Privacy Policy on the HRPA website.

Disqualification: HRPA reserves the right to disqualify any member from writing or to withhold exam results if a member no longer meets the registration requirements.

Accommodation Requests: Please refer to Accommodations Policy & Request Document on the HRPA website www.hrpa.ca

Terms and Conditions:

  • I understand and agree that any alleged violation of this agreement or any alleged activity that may compromise the validity, integrity, or security of any portion of a HRPA certification exam will be investigated by HRPA. I also understand that if HRPA has a reasonable basis to question the validity of any exam score, HRPA reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to withhold and/or cancel/and/or invalidate exam scores.
  • I warrant that all information I have provided on my application form and all supporting documentation is complete and accurate and I further understand that this information is subject to verification by HRPA at any time.
  •  I agree to abide by all examination security procedures and regulations.
  •  This examination is confidential, and the test questions contained therein are the exclusive property of the Human Resources Professionals Association (HRPA). It is made available to you, the examinee, solely for the purpose of assessing your knowledge. This examination and the items contained therein are protected by copyright law. No part of this examination may be copied, recorded, disclosed, published, transmitted or reproduced in part or in whole, by any means whatsoever, including memorization, unless previously authorized by HRPA.
  •  I agree to keep the content of the exams confidential by not divulging any details of its contents to anyone through any method including but not limited to (email, blogs, chat groups) i.e. Facebook. I understand that releasing any said information would be considered a breach of the Rules of Professional Conduct and could result in disciplinary action.
  •  I have read and understand that HRPA will work with members who require support in writing their exams due to personal disability. Members must notify HRPA staff of their needs at the time of registration. Should you require accommodations in order to write the exam, please indicate this in the consent section of this online form. HRPA will then be in contact with you to discuss options and available support. If you fail to notify HRPA of your needs at the time of registration, we can't guarantee that we will be able to accommodate your needs at the time of examination. HRPA, Office of the Registrar staff require time to work with the examination vendor to implement the required accommodations.
  •  I am aware that failure to show up for the exam, barring documented illness or other personal emergency, will result in forfeiture of the examination fee. HRPA will require proper documentation.
  •  I am aware that it is my responsibility to keep HRPA informed of any changes in my contact information, including my email address. HRPA relies on our membership database for up to date information. Please log on to the HRPA website at www.hrpa.ca to update your profile at any time.
  •  I understand that HRPA will forward confirmation information by email, and that I must ensure that my email can accept emails from HRPA.
  •  I understand that the information collected by means of this application will be used only for the purposes of the administering the exams. I understand that this information may be shared with other third parties; such parties i.e. exam vendor (Prometric), HRPA’s Psychometrician having expressly agreed to abide by HRPA's Privacy Policy and have signed a Confidentiality Agreement.
  • I agree that all information provided by means of this registration form as well as responses to exam questions become property of HRPA.

We apologize. Something happen. The MeetingID we need for this page is missing from the URL. Please go back and try again.

Date and Time

Starts:05/14/2024 8:00 AM

Ends:05/28/2024 8:00 AM

Registration Closes:05/21/2024 11:30 PM




Additional Information

Event Sponsor

Important Information:

You are registering for the CHRP-KE for the CHRP designation. You cannot register for this exam unless you are an active paid member of HRPA who has met the coursework requirement and have been granted eligiblity by HRPA.

To register for the exam, click on the Register Online button.

Exam Testing Window

May 14 - 28, 2024

The CHRP-KE exam is only valid for the CHRP designation. If you wish to earn the CHRL designation you are required to register and write the CHRL-KE exam.

Note: The CHRL-KE Exam is valid for both the CHRP and the CHRL designations.

HRPA will continue to offer the dual modality delivery until the end of 2021, what this means is that you will have a choice to write your exam at a test centre or via the online delivery method (remote proctoring). Upon completion of your exam registration and payment with HRPA, you are required to schedule your exam seat time and location directly with the exam vendor. www.prometric.com/hrpa.

Confirmation of Eligibility: In order to write the CHRP-KE or the CHRL-KE Exams for the CHRP designation or the CHRL designation, applicants must have met the eligibility requirements. To qualify to write the CHRP-KE or CHRL-KE exams, individuals must have met the coursework requirement. Pursuant to Section 15 of the Registered Human Resources Professionals Act, 2013, an individual is not a registrant of the Association unless the register indicates that he or she is a registrant. If you are not a registrant in good-standing, appearing on HRPA’s public register, you are not permitted to register for this exam.  

Withdrawal Policies: HRPA has very specific withdrawal policy in relation to the exam.

Rules of Professional Conduct & Code of Ethics: All members of HRPA commit to abide by the Rules of Professional Conduct.

Privacy Policy: HRPA is committed to protecting the privacy of your personal information. For further information please view HRPA's Privacy Policy on the HRPA website.

Disqualification: HRPA reserves the right to disqualify any member from writing or to withhold exam results if a member no longer meets the registration requirements.

Accommodation Requests: Please refer to Accommodations Policy & Request Document on the HRPA website www.hrpa.ca

Terms and Conditions:

  • I understand and agree that any alleged violation of this agreement or any alleged activity that may compromise the validity, integrity, or security of any portion of a HRPA certification exam will be investigated by HRPA. I also understand that if HRPA has a reasonable basis to question the validity of any exam score, HRPA reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to withhold and/or cancel/and/or invalidate exam scores.
  • I warrant that all information I have provided on my application form and all supporting documentation is complete and accurate and I further understand that this information is subject to verification by HRPA at any time.
  •  I agree to abide by all examination security procedures and regulations.
  •  This examination is confidential, and the test questions contained therein are the exclusive property of the Human Resources Professionals Association (HRPA). It is made available to you, the examinee, solely for the purpose of assessing your knowledge. This examination and the items contained therein are protected by copyright law. No part of this examination may be copied, recorded, disclosed, published, transmitted or reproduced in part or in whole, by any means whatsoever, including memorization, unless previously authorized by HRPA.
  •  I agree to keep the content of the exams confidential by not divulging any details of its contents to anyone through any method including but not limited to (email, blogs, chat groups) i.e. Facebook. I understand that releasing any said information would be considered a breach of the Rules of Professional Conduct and could result in disciplinary action.
  •  I have read and understand that HRPA will work with members who require support in writing their exams due to personal disability. Members must notify HRPA staff of their needs at the time of registration and must be sent within 20 days of the first day of the testing window. Should you require accommodations in order to write the exam, please indicate this in the consent section of this online form. HRPA will then be in contact with you to discuss options and available support. If you fail to notify HRPA of your needs at the time of registration, which must fall within 20 days of the first day of the testing window,  we can't guarantee that we will be able to accommodate your needs at the time of examination. HRPA, Office of the Registrar staff require time to work with the examination vendor to implement the required accommodations.
  •  I am aware that failure to show up for the exam, barring documented illness or other personal emergency, will result in forfeiture of the examination fee. HRPA will require proper documentation.
  •  I am aware that it is my responsibility to keep HRPA informed of any changes in my contact information, including my email address. HRPA relies on our membership database for up to date information. Please log on to the HRPA website at www.hrpa.ca to update your profile at any time.
  •  I understand that HRPA will forward confirmation information by email, and that I must ensure that my email can accept emails from HRPA.
  •  I understand that the information collected by means of this application will be used only for the purposes of the administering the exams. I understand that this information may be shared with other third parties; such parties i.e. exam vendor (Prometric), HRPA’s Psychometrician having expressly agreed to abide by HRPA's Privacy Policy and have signed a Confidentiality Agreement.
  • I agree that all information provided by means of this registration form as well as responses to exam questions become property of HRPA.

We apologize. Something happen. The MeetingID we need for this page is missing from the URL. Please go back and try again.

CHRL Knowledge Exam (CKE2) - Practice Exam 1

Date and Time

Starts:09/08/2023 8:00 AM

Ends:12/31/2023 8:00 AM

Registration Closes:12/04/2023 8:00 AM





Additional Information

Event Sponsor

The CHRL Knowledge Exam (CKE2) - Practice Exam 1. This exam consists of 115 questions to complete in 4 hours. The CHRL Knowledge Exam (CKE2) - Practice Exam 2, is being sold at an introductory offer of $90.99 which is 30% of the original price of $129.99 for a limited time. This product is non-refundable. The access period is for 3 months from the date in which you launch the exam.

We apologize. Something happen. The MeetingID we need for this page is missing from the URL. Please go back and try again.

CHRL Knowledge Exam (CKE2) - Practice Exam 2

Date and Time

Starts:09/08/2023 8:00 AM

Ends:12/31/2023 8:00 AM

Registration Closes:12/04/2023 8:00 AM





Additional Information

Event Sponsor

The CHRL Knowledge Exam (CKE2) - Practice Exam 1. This exam consists of 115 questions to complete in 4 hours. The CHRL Knowledge Exam (CKE2) - Practice Exam 2, is being sold at an introductory offer of $90.99 which is 30% of the original price of $129.99 for a limited time. This product is non-refundable. The access period is for 3 months from the date in which you launch your exam.

We apologize. Something happen. The MeetingID we need for this page is missing from the URL. Please go back and try again.


Date and Time

Starts:06/15/2023 11:55 AM

Ends:06/15/2023 12:00 PM

Registration Closes:04/17/2023 8:00 AM




Additional Information

Event Sponsor

We apologize. Something happen. The MeetingID we need for this page is missing from the URL. Please go back and try again.

Date and Time

Starts:03/23/2023 8:00 AM

Ends:03/24/2023 8:00 AM

Registration Closes:03/23/2023 8:00 AM




Additional Information

Event Sponsor

Speaker bio(s)